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Best Landscaping Tips For Your Long Beach Rental

Dustin Edwards • Feb 19, 2021

The Right Landscaping Enhances Value and Keeps Tenants Happy

Landscaping for Your Long Beach Rental
Landscaping isn’t often one of the aspects about a rental property that is given a large amount of thought. After all when people think of value (whether that be for purchase, sale, or rental) generally the focus is on key aspects such as location, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and the square footage but we all know there is more to a property than just those aspects.

To keep tenants happy and attract the next tenant to your rental property in Long Beach we invite you to consider making landscaping a key consideration. A well designed landscaping plan for your rental property can help you to earn top rental rates and keep tenants happy because they can see you truly care about providing a well-rounded environment to live. To help you have the best landscaping for your Long Beach rental consider the following tips.

Online Landscape Design
If you are looking at the front and rear yard of your property and aren’t quite sure where to start...never fear the internet can help you with ideas. Instead of looking endlessly at pictures or just buying plants and hoping it works, consider getting a design plan that is customized to your property from Shrubhub. Shrubhub can create a landscaping design plan for less than $100 giving you what you need to create a winning layout for your rental that is sure to please for years to come.

Water Wise Landscape for Your Rental
With a dominantly medeterranean climate type in Southern California we don’t have the natural rainfall that supports lush landscaping. While it is certainly an option to put in a robust sprinkler system (think of a combination of drip system and traditional sprinklers) you might want to consider a more water friendly landscaping plan for your Long Beach rental. Remember part of attracting and maintaining tenants is ensuring they can have an enjoyable place to live without passing on costs where they don’t get the full enjoyment. A landscaping plan that requires too much water could result in the following:
  • Tenants having too high of a water bill and looking for a new place to rent
  • Tenants not watering appropriately resulting in poor plant health and wasting the investment in the landscaping
As you develop your landscape design for your rental take into consideration plants and features that provide a striking appearance yet use minimal water to create a balanced approach that tenants will enjoy.

Consider Artificial Turf
Artificial turf has become more popular to install in properties due to prices falling over the years, technology of turf improving, and the benefit from not needing water. For many yards this certainly can be a match as it can have a lifespan of 10-15 years providing you and your tenant with a feature that they can enjoy for a long period of time.

Now, before you rush out and have it installed at your property there are some negatives to having artificial turf. One of the biggest drawbacks is it can get quite hot in the sun. In Long Beach heat isn’t as big of a challenge, when compared with locations such as the Valley, but this is an item to make sure tenants are aware of as the heat could pose a challenge. Another drawback is in regards to pets. When pets use the bathroom on the artificial turf it can take a bit more cleaning to keep the smell away. If you allow pets in your rental this may not be the best match.

Lighting Features to Create the Best Landscape Design
The plant selections may get to be the true heroes of your landscaping; however, well placed lighting can create that curb appeal even when the sun goes down. With just a few online searches, or a visit to Home Depot you will quickly discover a number of solar LED light choices that you could install at your rental to highlight elements of your landscape design. With solar you won’t have to worry about a power source and your tenant won’t be impacted by even a low voltage system allowing them to enjoy the design without increasing their costs.

Finding the right balance of landscaping design to attract the best possible tenants can be a challenge. If you’d like guidance on how much landscaping to do for your Long Beach rental call us today at (562) 888-0247 as we’d be happy to help. When you want a quick check to see how much your property could fetch in rent we invite you to fill out our Free Rental Analysis where we perform a comprehensive comparison to share your rental stacks up to the competition.

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By Dustin Edwards 01 May, 2024
Everyone wants to feel safe in their homes. As an investment property owner, it's up to you to decide whether or not to include security measures in your property. Many of the costs associated with the security measures can be included in the rent, meaning not only can you keep your property safe, but you can earn more income in the long run. However, you would still want your tenants to have renters insurance to protect their assets. Today, we’ll discuss the top five security measures you can add to your property and why they're beneficial to you and your tenant. Security Cameras Cameras are probably one of the first security measures people think about when asked about security. Cameras provide more benefits than just surveillance. They provide an extra level of security for the safety of the tenants and their belongings. Additionally, security cameras can be useful when repairs are required. Cameras can aid in supervising repairs and maintenance to ensure you’re receiving the agreed-upon work. During vacancies when the property is empty, security cameras can help keep the property safe from potential intruders. Doorbell cameras are incredibly popular now. They provide the aforementioned safety of a camera that can be accessed remotely, as well as the ability to communicate with visitors. Although one must be careful never to say you're not home, just say you're unavailable to strangers. Security Lights Security lights with motion detectors are another effective tool when adding security measures to your property. These lights brightly if a potential intruder attempts to get near your home. They can provide enough illumination to see the intruder or, at the very least, scare them off. Nowadays, you can find a combination of security cameras and motion-activated security lights, such as the floodlight cam wired plus from Ring . Additionally, because these lights only turn on when motion is detected, they’re more cost-effective than traditional lights with a switch. Illuminate the Property Light generally deters intruders as it's more difficult to hide. Adding lighting to the landscaping can increase the security of the property while creating a relaxing atmosphere. Lights can also be used in other areas of the property to accent features such as trees, benches, or artwork. This can help your property stand out while giving your tenants an additional feeling of safety. Keyless Entry Keyless entry is seen as both a convenience feature and a security feature. They usually use an electronic passcode, biometric data, or grant access through a smartphone app. Physical keys can be lost, stolen, or duplicated. You reduce the risk of unauthorized entry by eliminating the need for a physical key to enter the property. Many keyless entry systems include several features, such as remote locking and monitoring. Although keyless entry is a great new technology for keeping your tenants and properties safe, they’re best used with other security systems. Security Company Nothing beats having an extra pair of eyes on your property for security. This is where security companies like ADT and SimpliSafe come in. While companies may deal with security in varying ways, they aim to protect your investment. While safety is the primary role of a security company, remember that many tenants may be willing to pay more for a premium amenity like a home security company. Keeping your property and tenants safe is incredibly important to the longevity of an investment property. If you’re looking to improve the security of your Long Beach rental property or need help managing your beach city rental property, we invite you to call us today at (562) 888-0247 or fill out our Owner Application online .
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