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When Should You Upgrade Your Rental's Appliances?

Dustin Edwards • Sep 05, 2023

A great way to ensure steady income from a rental is to keep your tenants happy and minimize your vacancy rates. In real estate, it's understood that most landlords prefer having happy long-term tenants to preparing a rental and finding new tenants often. For this reason, many landlords who can will go above and beyond to secure these ideal tenants.

A simple yet effective way to do this is with appliances. While there is an initial cost to them, if it results in tenants consistently renewing their lease agreements, it’s a small investment that is well worth it.

For how long should you keep appliances before upgrading them?

Join us to discuss the best time to upgrade your tenant’s appliances and how often you should replace them.

Nuances in the Rental Market

The topic of replacing your rental appliances has a variety of solutions. Many factors can impact this decision. For example, in luxury rental properties, while only required to upgrade sometimes, it might be beneficial to have the latest products available to your tenants to have the newest technology. For these situations, consider upgrading whenever there is a noticeable improvement in the model or every few years, depending on what comes first.

Compared to a traditional single-family home, the appliances may have more time before upgrading. Regularly monitor their condition and make replacement decisions based on various factors. This includes the age, quality, and how the tenant uses them.

Inspect and Maintain

While it may be expected to keep the appliances up to date and as modern as possible in luxury rentals, it is best practice to inspect the appliances regularly for other rentals. However, in most cases, your tenant will communicate with you about a problem with the appliances. This is why having an amicable relationship with your tenants is good. If they notice any issues with the rental, you want them to your attention. This way, you can resolve issues before they become a significant problem.

For most appliances, the average lifespan is 10 to 15 years, and even with the best use and maintenance, they are unlikely to work adequately. Once this is the case, it's time to consider replacing the unit as a whole. While some appliances, like dishwashers or refrigerators, may be worth fixing within the appliance's lifespan, other appliances, such as microwaves or toasters, may be less cost-effective.

Quality Appliances

If longevity is your goal, purchasing high-quality appliances is the best place to start. Sometimes, it's more financially appropriate to replace an older appliance rather than spending money on frequent repairs. That being said, if an appliance requires frequent repairs, replacing it might be more cost-effective.

Appliances you purchase for your rental can be something other than the most expensive. However, it's good practice to research the product. Ideally, they should be built with quality materials and designed to be easily serviceable.
Higher-quality appliances also tend to last longer than lower-quality ones. Investing in durable, energy-efficient appliances for your rental property may be more cost-effective in the long run.

For landlords looking for long-term tenants, every little bit counts. By providing your tenants with up-to-date and efficient appliances, you can make it easier for tenants to stay put. If you are dealing with multiple vacancies and are looking to what kind of appliances you should provide your tenant, we invite you to call us today at (562) 888-0247 or fill out our
Owner Application online.

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By Dustin Edwards 01 May, 2024
Everyone wants to feel safe in their homes. As an investment property owner, it's up to you to decide whether or not to include security measures in your property. Many of the costs associated with the security measures can be included in the rent, meaning not only can you keep your property safe, but you can earn more income in the long run. However, you would still want your tenants to have renters insurance to protect their assets. Today, we’ll discuss the top five security measures you can add to your property and why they're beneficial to you and your tenant. Security Cameras Cameras are probably one of the first security measures people think about when asked about security. Cameras provide more benefits than just surveillance. They provide an extra level of security for the safety of the tenants and their belongings. Additionally, security cameras can be useful when repairs are required. Cameras can aid in supervising repairs and maintenance to ensure you’re receiving the agreed-upon work. During vacancies when the property is empty, security cameras can help keep the property safe from potential intruders. Doorbell cameras are incredibly popular now. They provide the aforementioned safety of a camera that can be accessed remotely, as well as the ability to communicate with visitors. Although one must be careful never to say you're not home, just say you're unavailable to strangers. Security Lights Security lights with motion detectors are another effective tool when adding security measures to your property. These lights brightly if a potential intruder attempts to get near your home. They can provide enough illumination to see the intruder or, at the very least, scare them off. Nowadays, you can find a combination of security cameras and motion-activated security lights, such as the floodlight cam wired plus from Ring . Additionally, because these lights only turn on when motion is detected, they’re more cost-effective than traditional lights with a switch. Illuminate the Property Light generally deters intruders as it's more difficult to hide. Adding lighting to the landscaping can increase the security of the property while creating a relaxing atmosphere. Lights can also be used in other areas of the property to accent features such as trees, benches, or artwork. This can help your property stand out while giving your tenants an additional feeling of safety. Keyless Entry Keyless entry is seen as both a convenience feature and a security feature. They usually use an electronic passcode, biometric data, or grant access through a smartphone app. Physical keys can be lost, stolen, or duplicated. You reduce the risk of unauthorized entry by eliminating the need for a physical key to enter the property. Many keyless entry systems include several features, such as remote locking and monitoring. Although keyless entry is a great new technology for keeping your tenants and properties safe, they’re best used with other security systems. Security Company Nothing beats having an extra pair of eyes on your property for security. This is where security companies like ADT and SimpliSafe come in. While companies may deal with security in varying ways, they aim to protect your investment. While safety is the primary role of a security company, remember that many tenants may be willing to pay more for a premium amenity like a home security company. Keeping your property and tenants safe is incredibly important to the longevity of an investment property. If you’re looking to improve the security of your Long Beach rental property or need help managing your beach city rental property, we invite you to call us today at (562) 888-0247 or fill out our Owner Application online .
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